Tea, We introduce you...

When unique green tea, then Young Hyson

Young Hyson

Not all tea leaves ensure the same quality of tea. The top two are considered the best, and according to the proportion of such leaves, the teas are then divided into high-quality and low-quality teas. However, many other factors affect the final product, as in the case of Young Hyson tea. Come with us to see a world where there is no ticket like a ticket.

Certainly unique among other high-quality green teas (for example, you know the designation OP or OPA) are Young Hyson teas. This label translates to before the rain (or from the Cantonese term for blooming spring tea), is also known as Lucky Dragon Tea, and should definitely not be missing from the collection of a true aficionado green teas. It is grown mainly in Anhui Province, China, but also in other countries, mainly in South and Southeast Asia. And it is the aforementioned high proportion of the top two hazelnuts from the tea tree that is behind the unique blend. But that's not all.

Love at first cup

It has a wonderfully refreshing taste and a touch of natural sweetness, which is due, among other things, to the harvesting of the leaves, which takes place in early spring. Young Hyson consists of long, thinly coiled, twisted leaves that unfurl when infused. In our offer you can find 100 grams of this unique tea in a beautiful tin box . One teaspoon filled with ideally filtered water at a temperature of around 80 °C is enough for a cup. According to your own preferences and experience, steep for 2-3 minutes, and then enjoy the irresistibly delicious taste. With its characteristic taste, it is also suitable as a refreshment on summer days. Just chill the tea and add lime or lemon for an even more intense experience.

Young Hyson

Not only good, but also healthy!

Like many other green teas, Young Hyson also contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other antioxidants. Together, these substances fight and neutralize free radicals in the body, helping to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. These include cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and, according to several studies, even some types of cancer.

But it doesn't stop at preventing problems with various diseases. There is also preliminary evidence to suggest that it may increase the metabolism of fat cells. This in turn allows the body to burn fat not only faster, but also more efficiently. And to top it off, scientists also believe it can boost the immune system, aid digestion, and even improve brain function. Pretty nice from your morning cup, don't you think?

Young Hyson tea is also associated with several interesting facts. Some sources state that it was named after the prominent 18th century English tea merchant and director of the East India Company, Phillip Hyson. These teas were highly valued by colonial Americans at the same time, and the tax on Hyson was higher than other teas. And it also played its part during the famous Boston Tea Party, when out of the total number of approximately 342 destroyed crates, 70 of them contained Young Hyson tea.

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