Others, Tea, Tips & tricks

Do you throw away used tea bags? Do not!

Někteří z nás si svůj den nedokáží představit bez lahodného šálku čaje. Jakmile si však čaj vyluhujeme, použité čajové sáčky často vyhazujeme do koše. To je ale velká škoda! Přinášíme Vám pár tipů, jak sáčky využít a získat užitečného pomocníka jak při úklidu domácnosti, tak při péči o zahradu i o své tělo.

Some of us cannot imagine our day without a delicious cup of tea. However, once we brew the tea, we often throw the used tea bags into the trash. But that's a big shame! We bring you a few tips on how to use the bags and get a useful helper both when cleaning the household and when taking care of the garden and your body.

Relaxation and care

Relaxing tea bath

If you want to relax after a hard day, a hot bath is the right choice. Improve it by adding tea bags to the water. Tea softens the skin beautifully, hydrates and regenerates. You can use green tea, but herbal, for example chamomile or mint.

Hair care

If you want to have nourished, soft and shiny hair, you don't need to spend on expensive shampoos and special conditioners. Treat them to a simple decoction of tea leaves, which is very effective and will cost you practically nothing.

Boil the used tea bags again, let them cool and pour it over your hair at the end of the bath. Take into account your hair color and the fact that there are dyes in the tea. Therefore, use black tea for dark hair and chamomile tea for light.

čajové sáčky
Source: my50plus.cz

Eye care

Pokud vás trápí unavené a oteklé oči, například po celodenní práci u počítače, dopřejte jim účinný čajový obklad.

After infusing the tea, squeeze the bags and it does not want to cool. Place the cooled bags on the eyes and leave for 15-25 minutes. Be careful not to get the liquid in your eyes.

The most suitable option for compressing swollen eyes is to use black tea, which contains caffeine, which helps to turn off the skin and relieve swelling. But others can also be used. Green tea for example lightens dark spots and supplies the skin with the necessary antioxidants. Chamomile tea in turn cleanses, brightens and relieves tired eyes.

pečujte o sebe
Source: freepik.com

Tea bags against insect bites and burns

Source: freepik.com

On warm, sunny days, discomfort in the form of stings from annoying insects or burns after a long stay in the sun is very common. Whether you're sunburnt or suffering from bug bites, you don't necessarily need to run to the bathroom cabinet.

Tea helper for your skincalm her down, get rid of her redness and itching. Apply cooled, damp tea bags to your irritated skin and leave it on for a few minutes. In just a few moments, you will stop feeling the unpleasant pulsation in the affected area and the skin will heal better.

Fertilizer for your plants

použité čajové sáčky jako hnojivo
Source: emedihealth.com

You can take care of your plants at the same time. To keep them healthy and vital, use the power of green tea to support them. All you have to do is throw the used tea bags into a bucket of water, let them infuse and water the plants with this water.

The infused mixture will help you get rid of pests and mold. You can also bury the tea bags directly in the soil next to the plants, or simply lay them on the soil around them. When potted, the nutrients from the tea are released directly into the soil. However, it is important to change the bags regularly. Do not leave them in the flower bed for more than a week.

Window and dish cleaner

Are you getting ready for spring window cleaning, or did you burn the pot while cooking lunch? Even in this case, you can put away preparations full of various chemicals and use a slightly more ecological way.

If you are going to spring window cleaning, just boil the used tea bags again, let them cool and pour the decoction into a sprayer. Spray the mixture on windows or mirrors and watch it release smudges, dirt and grease.

Finally, wipe the glass with a dry cloth and you're done.

In the same way, the decoction will help you fight grease and burnt dishes in the kitchen. Pour hot water into a pot or pan, add tea bags (for example from our range portioned Richard teas) and leave to act overnight. In the morning, pour out the water, rinse the dishes and watch how it works. Cheap and easy!

Source: freepik.com

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