Others, Tea

What tea for weight loss? Mate, nettle and licorice will help

Na trhu dnes najdeme velké množství různých produktů na hubnutí - od nápojů, přes prášky až po čokolády. Míra jejich účinnosti a důvěryhodnosti je ovšem stejně tak velmi diskutabilní. Asi nejlepší, neinvazivní a hlavně přírodní pomocí s hubnutím jsou bylinky a odvary z nich. Proto se čaj na hubnutí stal tak populárním a oblíbeným mezi ženami i muži, kteří se pokouší shodit nějaké to kilo navíc.

On the market today we can find an abundance of different products for weight loss - from drinks to pills to chocolates. However, the degree of their effectiveness and credibility is still highly debatable. Probably the best, non-invasive and mainly natural help with weight loss are herbs and their decoctions. That is why slimming tea has become so popular and popular among women and men who are trying to shed some extra pounds.

Our offer also includes herbal teas, which are helpful in weight loss. Some of them contain only herbs with diuretic effects that help you get rid of excess water, others have an effect on the speed of metabolism and fat burning. One of them is Naturavita Slim, which we will present to you in more detail...

The ideal basis for slimming tea


Maté is a drink traditional for South America. It is prepared from the leaves of the evergreen tree Paraguayan holly, which grows mainly in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. According to their findings, archaeologists proved that their inhabitants drank maté already in times long before Christ, and it is therefore not a modern trend. Europeans only discovered the magic of this tea in the 16th century, when the Jesuits brought it with them from their missions.

Herbal mate tea usually has a pleasant smoky aroma and a bitter, slightly smoky taste. It contains caffeine, which is why it is especially popular among people who need to be alert and attentive during their work. Such effects will be appreciated, for example, by students or athletes who do not want to consume energy drinks. Logically, therefore, avoid mate tea in the evening and before bed if you don't want to stay up all night.

Na trhu dnes najdeme velké množství různých produktů na hubnutí, od nápojů, přes prášky až po třeba čokolády, a podobně. Míra jejich účinků a důvěryhodnosti je ovšem také velmi diskutabilní. Asi nejlepší, neinvazivní a hlavně přírodní pomocí s hubnutím jsou bylinky a odvary z nich. Příkladem je čaj na hubnutí.
Source: freepik.com

4 facts about mate you need to know:

  1. A source of energy, which also helps with focus and concentration. It contains caffeine (0.4 and 1.7%), but also other alkaloids such as theobromine and theophylline. Compared to more commonly used natural stimulants such as coffee or guarana preparations, mate's effects have a more gradual onset and a much less dramatic decline. The same is true, for example, of green or black tea.
  2. Antioxidant –contains substances that reduce oxidative stress and help prevent premature cell aging and autoimmune disorders. Your immunity will thus gain a great ally.
  3. It contributes to fat burning, accelerates metabolism, improves digestion and has mild diuretic effects. Last but not least, it can help reduce appetite, which is why weight loss tea often contains mate.
  4. It has positive effects on the entire cardiovascular system, strengthens vein walls and prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques that can cause heart attacks.


Although many of us would burn all the nettles in the world during summer walks in nature, this plant with an exaggerated sense of self-defense also has healing effects.

In addition to being a good source of vitamin C, just like maté, it has diuretic properties that help the body get rid of excess water. It helps in the prevention of infections of the urinary system and even with an impaired prostate. For this reason alone, the slimming tea should contain it.

The reason why slimming tea often contains peppermint is that it helps with indigestion and stomach upset. The menthol and carvone it contains soothe the smooth muscles of the digestive tract and prevent muscle spasms. In addition to the content of health-promoting substances, it is also very popular thanks to its fresh taste and aroma, which creates a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere.


Did you know it is 50 times sweeter than sugar?

Most people know licorice in the form of black sticks that you simply either love or can't even smell. There is nothing in between. However you like it, it is certain that the licorice root and its aerial parts have medicinal effects, which is why it is added not only to tea infusions.

Slimming tea usually has it in its composition for a simple reason, and that is its sweet taste. Then when you feel like something good, sweet low-calorie tea is a great alternative to a chocolate bar or other gastronomic vices.

In addition, licorice can be found especially in teas against coughs and sore throats. The substances it contains fight against disease-causing bacteria. Rinsing your mouth with licorice tea can even help prevent tooth decay.


  • M. Castleman: The new healing herbs: the essential guide to more than 125 of nature's most potent herbal remedies
Na trhu dnes najdeme velké množství různých produktů na hubnutí - od nápojů, přes prášky až po čokolády. Míra jejich účinnosti a důvěryhodnosti je ovšem stejně tak velmi diskutabilní. Asi nejlepší, neinvazivní a hlavně přírodní pomocí s hubnutím jsou bylinky a odvary z nich. Proto se čaj na hubnutí stal tak populárním a oblíbeným mezi ženami i muži, kteří se pokouší shodit nějaké to kilo navíc.

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